Destiny 2 Mods Forsaken


Destiny 2: Forsaken marks the beginning of the second year of Destiny 2. Weapon Slots; Collections; Triumphs; Weapon and Armor Mods; Shader Deletion.

Posted by
Drifter's Crew // A new kind of Guardian
9 months ago

I've been Scouring the respective subreddits (D2/D2g/CPB) for empirical data on how the new mods and perks work and I have no idea how the work in action as of yet. Fortunately, other people do and have done the math.. Well, most of the math. I just want it to be in one place, as I'm sure others do.

Please help me build this library up to keep the new mods and perk values in a single easy-to-read format :)

If you know some values or can correct the data below, please feel free to do so and I'll update this thread as the day progresses.

Edit 1: Thank you for all your input and suggestions, I'll update the list accordongly and when time permits :) Adding: Riven mods, Spec mod damage, clarity for 'Tiers' of perks.. sort of.. Fixing: Wrong numbers, elaboration on where to find e.g. Riven modded gear and 'Tier 3' perks Expecting to test myself: Knife Trick w/ and w/o mods.. Do they stack?

Edit 2: Which one of you crazy bastards gilded me? I'm just stealing other people's work and putting it in one place :D Thanks a million still, though!!

Destiny 2 Forsaken Armor Mods List

Edit 3: Adding u/Mercules904Visual Representation of the Benefits Granted by the Various Barrels, Sights, Scopes, and Magazine Perks in the Game to the list

Note: Melting Point (Solar Ttian) and Shattering Strike (Void Hunters) are identical debuffs and do not stack. Both apply a 50% damage increase to the target for 6 seconds.

Grenade mods:

Source: Rustopholis

ModsRecharge time
11m (-20s)
250s (-10s)
343s (-7s)
439s (-4s)
5No clue - prob 34s

Source: Coolguy

ModsRecharge time
14m36s (-22s)
24m17s (-19s)
34m01s (-16s)
43m46s (-15s)
53m32s (-14s)
Paragon mods (Hunter: Gambler's dodge):

Source: u/Alucitary

ModsRecharge time
120s (-5)
216.5s (-3.5s)

Using the Dynamo (Boots Perk/Class ability grants super energy)

'5 x paragon mods + dynamo perk cuts super from 5 mins to 2 minutes and 52 seconds from dodges alone'


Added: You may combine Dynamo (boots) with Hands on to generate Super energy on melee kills for further glory. Edit: Sorry, I've created a monster. Now pair the below with Dragon's Shadow (+5 mobility every 10 seconds, max reload/ready speed+weapon reload speed), Sixth Coyote (2 dodge charges for one, twice the super CD reduction (..god..) or Ophidia spathe for near constant uptime of 3xPlaying with Fire

Source: u/Alucitary

ModsRecharge time
11m12s (-24s)
258.5s (-14.5s)
348.5s (-10s)
440.3s (-8.2s)
533.6s (-~7s
Paragon mods (Titan barriers)

I need some help here. Base value appears to be 35 and I have no clue :s

ModsRecharge time

Source: None Same base value as grenades, it's safe to assume that these mimic grenade values - copy/paste for now

ModsRecharge time
11m (-20s)
250s (-10s)
343s (-7s)
439s (-6s)
5No clue - prob 34s
Destiny 2 Mods Forsaken
Riven's Curse mods

Found on the Reverie Dawn gear within the Dreaming City. Each Riven's Curse mod adds an outgoing damage buff at the cost on an incoming debuff for you. Tests reveal that each mod add around +5% damage on your end and... well incoming is extremely ballpark, but it's miniscule. Like 1-2%

NOTE: For the 'cleansed' version, you just leave out the increase in damage taken

TL;DR You'll want this for the raid

Source: Mtashed

ModsOutboundInbound (ignore if purified)

It seems that these values are all over the place and that people can't seem to agree. Some are suggesting as much as 20% increase while some are saying 7%. From what I've seen, the most tangible evidence suggests 7 - but we have no (very little) thorough empirical evidence on this.


What does it do?

Opening Shot will buff your weapons range and accuracy (including Aim Assist) but after one shot it deactivates and has a cooldown before reactivating. The cooldown is fairly brief and will allow you to have the buff active on the first shot of essentially every gunfight. Depending on the weapon type this perk will offer more or less range.

Cooldown: 3.1s

Accuracy: +20% – Crosshair reduces by 20%

Hand Cannons:

Hip-Fire Min range = +12%

ADS Min range = +12%

Hip-Fire Max range = +10%

ADS Max range = +10%

Scout Rifles:

Hip-Fire Min range = +12%

ADS Min range = +12%

Hip-Fire Max range = +5%

ADS Max range = +5%


Hip-Fire Min range = +10%

ADS Min range = +10%

Hip-Fire Max range = 5%

ADS Max range = +5%


Hip-Fire Min range = +5%

ADS Min range = +5%

Hip-Fire Max range = 5%

ADS Max range = +5%

Slightly ~ vs ~~ vs Greatly~ perks

Props to /u/Slayergramps

NOTE: There seem to be some confusing. The Tier system is very simple, it's just another way of describing the prefix associated with the magnitude of the perk. also, the only way to find gear with 'Tier 3' perks is to find the Reverie Dawn gear within The Dreamin City (I'm so, so sorry /r/Destinfashion...)

Anyway, for the sake of clarity:

Perk TierPrefix
Tier 1'Slightly increases xxx'
Tier 2'increases xxx'
Tier 3'Greatly increases xxx'

Tests conducted on PC

All 3 tiers had extremely weak bonuses. The hitbox is slightly enlarged, but only a fractional rarely applicable amount, even with the tier 3 “enhanced” variation. The extra aim down sights speed was extremely hard to tell a difference in practicality (again, no exact/numbers testing was done).

Conclusion This perk seems worthless (ON PC), on console, the aim assist may be more valuable. [Overall,] I think [super charge-rate enhancing perksare more valuable]

Reload speed enhancement:

The difference is EXTREMELY noticeable. Tier 1 perks seem to be a 5-10% increase in reload speed, tier 2 seems around 15-20% increase, and tier 3 seems to be around a 30-35% increase in reload speed.

Conclusion: Do not use tier 1 reload perks, tier 2 general perks and enhanced specific perks are more valuable.

The tests were very interesting. Tier 1 had slight but hardly useful effects [...] Tier 2 prevents nearly all shake on the crosshair, but does not affect the crosshair displacement after taking damage or shield break. Tier 3 also prevents nearly all shake on the crosshair, and prevents most displacement on crosshair after taking damage, although displacement after shield break seems identical to tier 2.

Conclusion: Tier 1 is not worth using, Tier 2 is a huge difference over tier 1, and tier 3 is a very slight difference over tier 2. I personally recommend using the generalization tier 2 mods [as yu don't need to sacrifice one over the other] For Dexterity

For Dexterity:

As much as I tested on all different types of weapons, I tried all 3 tiers on several weapon types and could not feel the difference.

Conclusion: [...] I do not think speccing for Dexterity is more valuable than e.g. traction, as traction not only increases your turn radius curve, but also gives you a full extra point of mobility

Source: /u/Mercules904Visual Representation of the Benefits Granted by the Various Barrels, Sights, Scopes, and Magazine Perks in the Game

See the spreadsheet list HERE

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