Starcraft 2 Zombie City Codes


For Escape From Zombie City on the 3DS, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion.

  1. Starcraft 2 Zombie City Codes Download
  2. Starcraft 2 Zombie City Mineral Code
  3. Starcraft 2 Zombie City Classic Mineral Code


Cheat codes can be used in single-player campaign mode by pressing the enter key during the game and typing the codes shown below in the console.

Caution: Before using cheat codes, it’s important to understand that using them will prevent additional achievement gains you might have earned through normal play until either a new campaign is started or a prior save (from before the use of the first cheat) is loaded.
Cheat CodeDescription
WhatIsBestInLife Instant Victory
LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven Instant Defeat
TookTheRedPill Disables Fog of War
Bunker55AliveInside Disables the need for Supplies (Food)
TerribleTerribleDamage Enables God Mode
SpectralTiger Adds 5000 Minerals to the Available Resources
RealMenDrillDeep Adds 5000 Gas to the Available Resources
WhoRunBartertown Adds 5000 of each Resource to the Available Resources
SoSayWeAll Allows the use of all Tech
IAmIronMan Instantly Allows all Upgrades
CatFoodForPrawnGuns Enables Fast Builds and Fast Upgrades
HanShotFirst Disables Cooldowns on Spells
TyuHasLeftTheGame Disables Victory Conditions to Allow Continued Play
NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender Enables Continued Play After a Defeat
ImADoctorNotARoachJim Enables Fast Unit Healing
MoreDotsMoreDots All Units and Buildings are Free to Build (No Cost)

Starcraft 2 Zombie City Codes Download

Story Mode Cheat Codes
WhySoSerious** Adds 5 Million Credits
LeaveYourSleep Opens all Missions (Ability to Jump to Missions)
EyeOfSauron Allows Access to all Cinematics
EyeOfSauron Allows Access to all Cinematics
StayClassyMarSara** Allows Access to all UNN TV News Broadcasts
HoradricCube Opens all Research Options
Custom MapsDescription
Jaynestown Adds 5000 Terrazine to the Available Resources
Easter Egg Cheat Codes*Description
OverEngineeredCodPiece Plays the Song Terran Up the Night

(*)Unlike other cheat codes, using the Easter Egg Cheat Code, “OverEngineeredCodPiece” will not prevent achievement earning.

(**)These codes do not work in the Heart of the Swarm Campaign.

Starcraft 2 Zombie City Mineral Code

Please note: All of these cheat codes have been added deliberately to the game and unlike third-party hacks or cheats won’t flag an account for suspension.[1]

Starcraft 2 Zombie City Classic Mineral Code

Cheat CodesStarcraft

While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the 'overengineeredcodpiece' code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.

Result Cheat Code
God modeterribleterribledamage
All missions [Note]leaveyoursleep
All research options [Note]horadriccube
5 million credits [Note]whysoserious
5,000 gasrealmendrilldeep
5,000 mineralsspectraltiger
5,000 of each resources whorunbartertown
5,000 Terrazine on custom maps using Terrazine jaynestown
All upgradesiamironman
Fast buildcatfoodforprawnguns
Fast healimadoctornotaroachjim
Units do not cost resourcesmoredotsmoredots
No supply cap bunker55aliveinside
Disable fog of wartooktheredpill
Disable ability cooldownhanshotfirst
Disable tech requirementssosayweall
Disable defeat conditionsnevergiveupneversurrender
Disable victory conditionstyuhasleftthegame
Win current gamewhatisbestinlife
Lose current gameletsjustbugoutandcalliteven
All cinematics [Note]eyeofsauron
All UNN Broadcasts [Note]stayclassymarsara
Play the 'Terran Up The Night' songoverengineeredcodpiece

Note: Only available in Campaign mode.

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