When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey

Posted by2 years ago

Yes, you're going to need to melt your chocolate. But don't combine screaming-hot-just-melted Guittard to your eggs, butter and sugar—it'll cook and scramble the eggs, not to mention potentially.


I live on an island somewhere, and you can't get any crack here. The coke however is spectacular. Whenever I get a gram or two, I like to make myself a few hits of what I assume to be crack. I'd like to make sure I'm doing it right:

I use between .4 and .8 of coke, and .1 or .2 of bicarbonate of soda, at a 4:1 ratio with my cocaine.

  • YES! I realise this is an incredibly small amount to be making it with - I just really love having a few hits, and can't otherwise get it!

What I then do is stick that in any normal narrow drinking glass. (I don't have a beaker or shotglasses)

I then moisten it all into a sludge with distilled water, briefly hold the glass over my gas stove flame for a few seconds in order to allow it to boil and then cool so that it forms 'rock bubbles', then add more distilled water so that it stands about two cm above it and once again, heat it up and swirl it.


This has proved to be very inconsistent. I've done it about ten times - twice, I somehow miraculously produced a small white rock that was very solid and tinkled around in the glass. Smoking it was a fuckin' blast.

More often than not, I'm left with lots of 'shards' at the bottom of the glass that I can scoop up onto some foil and that seem to harden fairly fast when put under a light - they fizzle when you smoke them (we don't really seem to need to dry it for long, we're just after a quick hit remember!), but I can't seem to achieve the same power I got when I formed a solid rock!

Am I applying too much heat during either cooking process? Am I simply trying this with too little cocaine? I'd happily cook with more if I knew I was doing it right so far!

My questions are.. Am I retard? Have I been doing this completely wrong? Is what I'm trying even achievable? Can anyone help me out?

Lastly, my last bit didn't sizzle or make noise at all. The rock didn't even really seem to melt properly. It feels like I'm getting worse at making it, and the gear's the same. Any help would be really appreciated fellas!


Use a hot metal surface such as a cooker worktop. flamelesspreferably or heat a metal tray. ad a small amount to the hot platewen it reaches 100 degrees. keep the thermometre measuring thetemp. pure should melt away at 195 degrees. good stuff should bearound 130


First off, you never even mentioned that this is in Celsius,secondly, adulterants such as caffeine, ephedrine, meth, etc allhave higher melting points than cocaine. MEANING.. all your gonnado is melt away your cocaine and think you have nice pure drugswhen it's really a bunch of adulterants that make you feel likecrap with maybe 10-20% cocaine.

Movies lie -smile-

To clarify these two posts above (they are both half correct).IN ORDER TO TEST THE PURITY, take a small sample of powder(hopefully mostly cocaine) and begin to melt it using the methodsabove (hot plate, stove, anything u can monitor the temperaturewith). The cocaine will melt first. If the entire solution meltsthen you have probably pure cocaine. If only 'x%' melts then thestill solid granules are adulterants. You can even determine whatthe adulterants are by analyzing the melting points. Anything thatmelts before 195 C will be an adulterant as well, however this willbe unlikely as cocaine has a low melting point compared to mostadulterants. THIS IS NOT A FILTRATION OR PURIFICATION METHOD, onlya way to test the quality of your cocaine. Enjoy & be safe

How do you you test negative for cocaine in drug test?

Will depakote make you test positive for cocaine?

No! The only drug that will test positive for cocaine IS cocaine.

Will cocaine test the same as vivance on a drug test?

cocaine will come up as cocaine on a drug test and vyvanse will come up as an amphetamine on a drug test

Does cyclobenzaprine test positive to cocaine?

Is there a purity test for crack cocaine?

I do not know of and have not heard of a purity test for crack cocaine in all my years experience. If you are trying to sell crack cocaine you should cook it up yourself, never buy it already cooked (Hard) from somebody or another dealer. It is not that hard to cook up (simple math and science) , and you will know it is pure because you will test the raw cocaine needed to… Read More

How can you test positive from a urine test for cocaine when you don't use?

can you test positive from a urine test for cocaine if you dont use it

What does cocaine come up as in a drug test?

Drug tests specifically test for cocaine. So it will show up as cocaine.

Will cocaine test the same as adderall on a drug test?

No. Cocaine will show up as cocaine, adderall will show up as amphetamine.

How do you test positive for cocaine?

by sniffing,shooting and smoking. cocaine is cocaine

Can a cbc test detect cocaine in your system?

Can you test positive for crack cocaine fro second hand smoke?

Yes. The cocaine second-hand smoke residue gets flushed out with your urine. You test for cocaine with a urine test meaning that the cocaine will be detected.

Does cocaine show up in an urine test?

Yes. There are a few tests that do not test for cocaine but most urine tests check for cocaine.

What happens if you put cocaine in water and drink it?

most likely you get addicted to cocaine, and you'll 'get high' but it would depend on the amount of cocaine and the purity. If nothing else expect to get the squits !!

How do you test for crack?

How Pass a cocaine drug test?

How do you pass swab test for cocaine?

In a hair follicle test for cocaine will other drugs show up?

Never did drugs how do you test positive for cocaine?

if you take certain medicines there is a possibility that you can test positive to a 'substance like cocaine' - not cocaine itself

How do you pass cocaine mouth swab test?

The best way to pass a cocaine mouth swab test is to Not Use Cocaine in the first place.

Can you fail a test for cocaine if you use hydrocodone?

No. Hydrocodone will only test positive for opiates. Hydrocodone will not test positive for cocaine metabolites.

How do cocaine dealers test it to know that it is real?

They taste it. Real cocaine makes your mouth go numb when you taste it. They also look at it: good, high-purity cocaine doesn't come in the form of hard rocks and dry powder. Good cocaine is soft, moist and clumpy. If the cocaine is very powdery, with hard rocks that are difficult to crush, then it's been diluted with something (usually baby laxatives). I think you can also buy some kind of testing kit, to… Read More

What shows up as cocaine in a hair follicle test?

In case you haven't figured it out already, cocaine shows up as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

Is there any drug that can come up on drug test as cocaine?

Nope. Cocaine is the only drug that will make a drug test show positive for cocaine.

How can you mask cocaine in your urine test?

The real answer is you Can't mask cocaine in a urine test, no matter what you try.

Can codeine show up as cocaine in a blood test?

No, codeine is an opiate and will not register as cocaine on a blood test.

Can certo help with drug test for cocaine?

No !.. If you're using cocaine - there is nothing you can do to mask it from a drug test !

What is the price of kilo of cocaine in California?

20,000 up to 32,000 depending on purity of the kilo

How much does a pound of cocaine cost?

$8,000-$13,000 depending on location, dealer and purity

What drugs can cause a positive test for cocaine?

When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey

What can you do to make my cocaine test negative?

Will opiate show positive on a cocaine drug test?

Only cocaine will shows up on a cocaine test. For opiates, it will be heroin, vicodin, oxy, percocet, etc.

Can Tylenol 3 test positive as cocaine?

Tylenol 3 contains acetaminophen and codeine. No cocaine. Therefore, you wont test positive for cocaine after taking Tylenol 3. You can test positive for opiates though.

Can you pass a urine drug test for cocaine if you used cocaine on Friday and were tested on Sunday?

Could Oxycontin test as cocaine in a urn test?

No. Oxycontin is an opiate. Cocaine is a chemically derived stimulant. Unrelated.

If you passed a home drug test for cocaine can you still fail the lab test for cocaine?

yes you most definetly can because you can take one when the cocaine has left your system

Can you drink a gallon of water for up to 5 days and pass a drug test for cocaine im a frequent user?

No, but you can not use cocaine and pass a drug test for cocaine.

What other drug cause a positive test for cocaine usage if you have not use cocaine?

probably just picked it up from some where, most banknotes test positive for cocaine

Can Aderal drug cause a positive reading for cocaine on a drug test?

How To Fix Mushy Crack

No, Adderal shows as Amphetamene & Cocaine shows as Cocaine. A specific drug test done for Cocaine only reacts to the specific drug Cocaine. If you are being tested for ALL drugs, then whichever drug consumed, or both, will show in the test results.

What can cause you to test positive for cocaine and methamphetamine?

Well to test positive for cocaine and methamphetamine you'll first have to take methamphetamine and cocaine. Methamphetamine usually being injected while cocaine is usually snorted. By doing these drugs you can successfully reach your goal of testing positive for cocaine and methamphetamine on your next drug test!

What is the best way to past a cocaine urine test?

How can you pass a drug test for cocaine?

How much cocaine do you have to do to get a positive urine test?


When You Re Melt Crack And It Stays Gooey Lyrics

What can make your drug test come out positive for cocaine?

How do you pass a cocaine test in 1 hour?

Is there a home test to test for cocaine?

Are there any medical conditions that test positive for cocaine?

No the only way you can fail is to do cocaine or crack cocaine

How do you pass a mouth swab drug test for cocaine and weed?

Don't do cocaine or weed, and you'll easily pass the test.

Can you test positive by sleeping with someone on cocaine?

As long as you didn't use any cocaine it will not show up on your drug test.

How can you get a clean urine test after using crack cocaine?

You can't get a clean urine test after using cocaine, because cocaine stays in your system for a day or so, so any time before that is impossible to get a clean test.

Can you test positive for cocaine if someone smokes crack around?

Free windows 64 bit download. It is possible to test positive for cocaine by being around someone that smokes crack cocaine. The possibilities are slim but possible.

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