Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0

sunyou - 2014-04-14
  1. Jdbc Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0
  2. Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0 Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0

Jdbc Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0

hi guys,i got a problem when i run this project.Here is the exception trace:


RCVD: <stream:stream to='' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='' version='1.0'>
ClientSession created.
SENT: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' from='' xml:lang='en' version='1.0'>
SENT: <stream:features><starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'></starttls><auth xmlns=''/><register xmlns=''/></stream:features>
RCVD: <starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
SENT: <proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
exceptionCaught().. Unsupported record version Unknown-105.113
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException : java.lang.Exception : Disallowed character (Hexdump: 17 03 01 00 88 83 9A A7 CC 01 90 24 9C 90 F9 24 B9 BD F8 FB 56 E8 3F 46 63 94 86 AB A8 6E 4A FD 3E C8 5B E3 F6 52 73 61 F9 BB 91 5B 9B C1 EC E2 8A 4A 8A 84 53 48 3F A1 C0 24 2B BD 32 E9 A2 5C 2F 7B 2C 14 F2 6E 88 B5 71 D1 A4 61 21 BC 55 EF BE DE 00 BC 8A 99 2D C2 AF F4 09 45 92 65 6F 9A 70 C3 2D 98 8B CD 06 E9 97 71 16 31 97 77 78 0E 6A 36 29 6D 56 62 1C 8C A3 DC E9 71 72 9B B7 15 C6 DB F1 85 B7 84 1A F7 B3 1C AA BC A5)
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException : java.lang.Exception : Disallowed character (Hexdump: 17 03 01 00 50 F8 6B 78 94 FB DE 8F A2 AB 65 B5 E6 6A C2 6C 23 2E 40 26 60 B6 68 F6 26 A2 5B 26 64 4F 58 1D 57 49 C7 BB 50 DA F2 47 F9 22 B7 8A DE DB 66 3E 11 1A E4 AB 2A 1D 09 DC 1A 8D DB 9F 8E AC E1 54 BA B6 70 5B 23 2C 30 D1 E7 68 0C FE 70 21 C5 21 6B)
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException : java.lang.Exception : Disallowed character (Hexdump: 17 03 01 00 28 AC BA 55 F3 3D 40 FD 70 A4 A8 90 1B EF B7 CE 26 FE 9C 8D 03 F8 91 95 51 C7 16 FD EB 3D 7E 66 4B 22 0E 69 A7 1F A2 6E 29)
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException : java.lang.Exception : Disallowed character (Hexdump: 15 03 01 00 18 54 F6 C8 76 7F C3 93 BE A5 42 B0 62 7D AF 18 9E 65 B4 1C 39 63 77 05 08)
SENT: </stream:stream>

Jun 3, 2009 - Please make sure not to send a message before SSL handshake is complete. I'm getting this error on the server side: Unsupported record version Unknown-69.84 at.


I'm trying to connect to an SSL-enabled mysql server from my own java application. After setting up ssl on mysqld, and successfuly tested an account using 'REQUIRE ISSUER and SUBJECT', I wanted to use that account in a java app.

I've generated a private key (to a file called keystore.jks) and csr using keytool, and signed the csr using my own CA(The same used with mysqld and its certificate).

Once signed the csr, I've imported the CA and client cert into the keystore.jks file. When running the application the SSL connection can't be established. Relevant logs:

Apr 09, 2013  AoE 3 is also much fun, but it's different than AoE 2. The deck system is new, but I like it because it adds some nice features like unique upgrades and stuff. In a way AoE 3 lets you gather all resources within your walls, you have farms for food and plantages for gold (so when gold mines run out, you can fall back to this). May 30, 2018  What was better: the Age of Empires II campaign or the Age of Empires III campaign? Why do many people consider Age of Empires II to be a better game than Age of Mythology? Games from the Age of Empires (henceforth AoE) series since c. 2005 or 2006. (I can’t exactly remember when I officially began to play multiplayer AoE consistently. Age of empires 1 vs 2 vs 3.

Any idea why is this happening?


1 Answer

It looks like you've run into a known bug. Check out documentation on itat the mysql bug tracker

blueberryfieldsblueberryfields Unsupported Record Version Unknown-0.0

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