Fallout New Vegas Concept Art

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  2. Fallout New Vegas Concept Art

So remember when we first saw concept art of Ulysses and it had all those different dusters with flags on them. I was watching the.

Premium Profligate
4 years ago

Hello all, now Fallout New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time. 500 hours and I'm still finding new things to do in this game.

I actually didn't mind all the flaws that this game had when I first played... However... ever since I started modding like crazy, I realized that I was disappointed in the whole game and the whole bethesda-obsidian shenanigans.

I did some research on how the game would of turned out and constantly thought about 'Man... if obisidan had a few more years this would have been the greatest RPG of all time!'

So I went crazy and searched deep into the Nexus to find mods that help my fallout new vegas turn into the game it should have been... and I would like to share a different type of mod list to my favorite subreddit.

First off New Vegas Uncut SeriesGet it here These mods readds the cut content prior to release. These are essential. Get them.

Note:If you add freeside open, do not install van graffs, rotface, and pacer's gambit.

The NCR Now the NCR in my opinion does not really need many mods to improve as they are literally all over the damn map and have a full story along with the pros and cons.

[NCR Rearmament](http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40139/?]

This Mod overhauls the NCR troops into a futuristic world-police-esque faction. Since FNV is set in the future, I think it would make sense to have futuristic armor. This is once of the early concept arts of the NCR.


You can use NCR Trooper Overhaul then use this to distribute them to the wasteland.

I use this instead of NCR Rearmament because I like the variety.

Now Caesar's Legion

Oh boy.. now this REALLY needed a huge overhaul. This faction seemed the most interesting to me and it had the 'funnest' missions in my opinion (the assassination?). It is sad how Obsidian couldn't find the time to finish up and create more ways to sympathize with the legion. Ulysses was supposed to be in the non-dlc game to serve as a companion that gives you a reason to sympathize with the legion. After actually listening to why Vulpes Inculta massacred Nipton, why Caesar thinks the NCR is weak and why he does the things he does, and Cass's thoughts on the good things of the legion, I wanted to find mods that would have the legion likeable and active. And FYI, it isn't just women who were enslaved, but men too. I also dislike this and think it is a huge reason that people hate the legion, but think of it as a way to keep that the legion keeps the women alive. The legion needs them, just as America needed women back in WW2.

Caesar's New Regime This may not be lore friendly, but the vanilla legion does not seem intimidating at all. It makes me wonder how they almost won the first battle of Hoover Dam with football gear and a bunch of scraps. This mod makes the legion soldiers a little more.. memorable. Also a better legion safehouse along with a companion that gives you a few more reasons to side with the legion.

Factions Reloaded - Legion I've have encountered a couple of people complain about how the east side of the map is empty. Well, this mod adds new legion quests, new bases, and fights between the NCR and The Legion to show that the Legion really is closing in on the west.

Increased Legion Presence Like the title, it adds more legion bases.

Legion-Brotherhood alliance I think the option to have the BoS as allies with the legion was cut, so this mod adds the option to not destroy the BoS

Legion Commander I just added this in case I have successfully persuaded you to do a legion playthrough. This mod lets you command units that will help you kill some profligates and raid bases.

The Strip

Well now, if only Obsidian had more time we probably would of had THIS, THIS, or THIS. A whole entire fucking city globdammit! Not just a literal STRIP of las vegas! sighNew Vegas Restoration

This mod cleans up the strip and adds a fortification in the front, a south gate, and various buildings in the strip which kind of gives you the feeling of a city. DO NOT USE THIS WITH THE STRIP OPEN as it already does remove the loading screen gates.

I know that this isn't lore friendly, but I add it just as a backdrop/decoration to the strip to give it a city like feeling.

If the strip is supposed to be the greatest place in the mojave wasteland then why the hell are the damn places empty? This mod adds... more npc's in the casinos.

Now if you don't like the lag of the two previous mods and prefer using just the strip open, then use this or this which adds another gate to the entrance of new vegas.

Now for the inhabitants of the wasteland

Tired of seeing the same clothing over and over and over again? Look no further! The spice of life adds a variety of clothing to the wasteland! No longer will you have 7 sets of fully repaired merc clothing.

rePOPULATED WASTELAND This may not be lore friendly, but judging from this concept art shows a couple people traveling. This mod adds some settlements and more npc's in existing settlements.

This mod changes the faces of certain individuals with great details. Must I say more? Just look at this shit

And if you want an overhaul of an overhaul use New Vegas Redesigned 3 which also adds details of NPC's that tells you their story based on their appearances. For example, in one of the dead bodies inside the Nipton town hall has a girl who is stripped naked and killed on a table; obviously that tells you that powder gangers raped and killed her. Brutal stuff.

The NPC Projects These are a series of mods that adds various objects to settlements and decorations.

Note: I do not think that NPC Project - Freeside is compatible with freeside open. It won't crash, but you will find half of the citizens of freeside under freeside.

So here is my list of mods. Please feel free to add some to expand the list.


If you're after a list of console commands for Fallout: New Vegas, Obsidian's still absurdly popular entry of the modern 3D Fallout games,

To open the console, tap the backquote (`) or tilde (~) key (they're the same key). The game will pause, the UI will vanish, and you'll see a cursor appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. That's where you input your console commands. After typing a command, press enter. You may see a notification of what your code did, but not always. Press the tilde key.

The best Fallout: New Vegas console commands

tgm — God mode! Infinite health, unlimited ammo and encumbrance.

tdm — Demigod mode. Health and encumbrance is infinite, but ammo isn't.

tfc — Activates and deactivates the free camera.

tm — Turns menus and UI off and on.

tcl — No clipping or collision, letting you move around like a ghost.

tmm 1 — Adds all map markers to your map. Use 0 to remove them.

set timescale to <#> — Speeds up or slows down time. The default value is 30.

Killall — All NPCs and animals in the vicinity die, you monster.

Give yourself items

Fallout New Vegas Concept Art

You can use Fallout: New Vegas console commands to summon monsters and move items into your inventory. There's a little bit of process involved, because you need an object or creature's ID to be able to summon it, but fortunately the Fallout: New Vegas wiki has a comprehensive list of every item in the game, with base IDs for all of them.

player.additem <base_id> <amount> — Switch in the object ID for the <base_id> (no need to keep the brackets, and the number of the item you want for the <amount>. It should look like this.

Example: player.additem 0015FD5C 1

Congratulations, you now have a suit of Chinese Stealth Armour.

player.removeitem <base_id> <amount> — Same as above, but the items you identify will be removed from your inventory and obliterated forever.

player.showinventory — Gives you a handy list of base IDs for stuff you possess. Might be quicker than visiting the wiki for numbers in some situations.

Useful item codes

There are thousands of item codes available in Fallout: New Vegas, but here are a few fun pieces of weapons and armour to try if you're just messing around. Note that items with an xx in the item ID are from expansions, and may not work if you don't have the expansion installed.


Fallout 1 Concept Art

Lucky revolver 000e2c86
Mysterious Magnum 00127c6c
Li'l Devil pistol xx000805
Anti-materiel Rifle 0008f21c
Assault Carbine (GRA) 0008f21e
Christine's CoS silencer rifle xx0112ba
Silenced .22 SMG 0008f218
Sturdy Caravan Shotgun 001735e3
Minigun 0000433f
Alien blaster 00004322
Euclid's C-Finder 0014eb3c
Pew Pew laser rifle 00103b1d
Flamer 0000432d
Plasma caster 000906cf
Tesla cannon 000e2bec
Fat Man 0000432c
Mercy 0015fff4
Missile launcher 00004340
Chainsaw 0015fe44
Power Fist 00004347


Brotherhood T-45b power armour 00075201
T45d power armour 00014e13
Combat armour, reinforced 00126500
NCR Ranger combat armour 00129254
Stealth Suit Mk II xx00c12f
Advanced Radiation suit 0003307a

Alter yourself

player.setscale <scale> — 1 is normal. Numbers below that will shrink you. Number above that will make you massive. You don't need the <> brackets around the number.

player.setlevel X — Where X is the level you want to be.

player.rewardxp 15000 — Gives you 15,000 XP.

sexchange — Changes your sex.

showracemenu — Change your race.

showbarbermenu — Change your hairstyle.

shownamemenu — Change your name.

player.addperk <base_id> — Give yourself a perk. Replace the <base_id> with the ID for the perk you want and drop the <> brackets. You can find all the perk base_ID values on the Fallout: New Vegas Wiki.

player.removeperk <base_id> — Take the ID'd perk away.

player.setav speedmult X — Where X is your speed percentage. At 100 you move at normal speed, at 10 you move really slowly, and at 200 you go very, very fast.

addreputation <base_ID> <0/1 to add infamy/fame> <amount> — Replace <base_ID> with one of the codes below. Select 1 to add reputation; select 0 to add infamy. Then replace <amount> with the amount of rep you want to add or remove. You can only add 5 rep at a time, to a maximum of 100 total.

Example: addreputation 0011e662 1 5 — earn 5 fame with the Brotherhood of Steel.

Boomers 000ffae8
Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662
Caesar's Legion 000f43dd
Followers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1
Great Khans 0011989b
Powder Gangers 001558e6
NCR 000f43de
White Glove Society 00116f16

removereputation <base_ID> <0/1 to set infamy/fame> <amount> — Same deal as addreputation, except the amount you set will be subtracted from your rep with the specified faction.

Mess with NPCs

This is similar to item manipulation, but you might sometimes need the NPC's ref_id. The Fallout: New Vegas wiki has all those as well.

resurrect — Brings an NPC back to life. This won't help with quest completion but if you killed someone by accident, you bend the rules of the universe to bring them back.

tdetect — Switch NPC player detection off or on. This gives you perfect stealth.

addtofaction<factionID> <0/1> — Replace the <factionID> with one of the codes below, and then select 0 if you want the targeted NPC to be friendly with that faction. Select 1 if you want them to be allied with that faction.

Example: addtofaction 0011e662 1 — Adds targeted NPC to the Brotherhood of Steel as an ally.

Player's current faction 1b2a4
Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662
Caesar's Legion 000f43dd
Followers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1
Great Khans 0011989b
Powder Gangers 001558e6
NCR 000f43de
White Glove Society 00116f16

removefromfaction <factionID> — Similar to the addtofaction command, insert the factionID to remove the NPC from that faction.

tcai — Turn off the all NPCs' combat AI so they don't fight.

tai — Toggle targeted NPC's AI off.

Freecam, disable HUD, NoClip and more

Fallout New Vegas Concept Art

tfc — Toggle free cam. Add a 1 after tfc to also freeze everyone in the scene. This is good for taking dramatic screenshots.

sgtm <X> — Where X is how fast time moves. It's a multiplier so 1 is normal speed, 0.5 is half speed, and so on.

tcl — Noclip mode.

twf — Wireframe toggle.

tm — Switch HUD on and off.

tmm <1/0> — Type 1 to show discovered map markers, 0 to hide them. Type tmm 101 to reveal all markers, even undiscovered ones.

tfow — Switch local fog of war on or off.

movetoqt — Moves you to next quest target.

coc <cell name> — Moves you to a location. A full list of the Cell IDs is available on the Fallout: New Vegas wikia.

caqs — Completes every objective in every quest it's possible to receive in the game, essentially removing quests so you can wander without objectives.

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