Youtube Playlist Auto Add


The songs from your auto playlist will appear as an Unsaved list on the list pane. Click Save list. Type in a name for your playlist. Your auto playlist will continue to change as you add or remove items from your Media Player library that meet the criteria you established. The new saved playlist we just created will stay as it is currently. So here’s one long command to download an entire channel (or playlist), starting at the beginning, getting the best audio and video and combining them, adding metadata, writing thumbnail, outputting a Plex preferred filename and batching this while also avoiding re-downloading things we’ve already downloaded.

Recently it appears Youtube has decided they want to become cable TV, complete with the unending commercials for American pharmaceuticals. Since I cannot stand watching any advertising, am cloud averse, and also don’t like Youtube’s terribly busy interface, I have automated downloading of channels and playlists I follow with the wonderful youtube-dl tool into my Odroid XU4 based Plex Media Server.

Downloading is pretty straight forward as long as we take care to follow Plex’s file naming guidelines. Getting all the metadata in without doing any work requires a little bit of configuration, and to automate it all takes a few simple shell scripts.


I like everything to be tidy in my Plex Server, so the immediate problem I noticed with downloading Youtube videos is that Plex doesn’t really have a good way to scrape the the metadata. Some popular channels have TVDB entries, but most don’t. If you select “TV Shows” as the type of library it won’t show any videos at all, but if you select “Other Videos” it will refuse to even show manually added metadata.

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Fortunately there is a custom scanner and media agent that makes organizing personal video archives much easier. We need to install both:

Installing is fairly straightforward, copy the files to the appropriate directories for your operating system.

Restart Plex Media Server, and go on over to the Server settings page, enable the new media agents here:

Now we can create a Youtube library of type “TV Shows” if we enable our media agent and scanner here:

That’s all we need to do on the Plex side.


Youtube-dl is quite powerful. You will need to install it according to the manual instructions because inevitably the package for your OS will be out of date. In Linux this is accomplished at a shell:

Looking over the youtube-dl docs you will see there are quite a few options for what to download and how to add those files. For our purposes here we’re going to archive an entire channel/playlist, and then set some scripts up to check for new future videos on those channels, with all the metadata and thumbnails.

So here’s one long command to download an entire channel (or playlist), starting at the beginning, getting the best audio and video and combining them, adding metadata, writing thumbnail, outputting a Plex preferred filename and batching this while also avoiding re-downloading things we’ve already downloaded. Whew!

You can see there are two TXT files here that I have placed in my Youtube media folder. One is a list of URLs of things I want to download, the other is a list of already downloaded media so that future runs of youtube-dl will know what to grab.

How To Add Video To Youtube Playlist

Let’s simply put that command in a shell script and save it as

Then add to cron with the crontab -e command, this will run every 12 hours:

For Youtube channels or playlists where you want to use different settings for downloading or naming (ie. if a channel publishes separate web series to different playlists, if you only want to download the latest videos instead of everything, etc.). Then add your command to the script but use a different channel_list.txt.

Find my youtube playlist


If you have a favorite YouTube channel, then I bet you often wonder – it would be nice to automatically download all fresh videos from it. That's why we added a new function to our application – Tracking. It's something like RSS but for YouTube videos. You select a playlist or channel you want to track, set an update interval and that's it. All recently uploaded videos will be downloaded straight to your hard drive.

  1. Copy the link

    Open your favorite internet browser and navigate to the YouTube channel or playlist you want to track, then copy the link to it into the clipboard.

  2. Paste the link into the app

    Paste the link into an appropriate field and click the Load button. The program will download all necessary information about the channel.

  3. Select additional options

    Now you can configure additional options, such as automatic adding to the download queue, changing the destination folder, specifying the playlist and update interval. On the picture below we selected the adding option, so all new tracks will be automatically added to the download queue upon next check. You can also select save as audio option to save only audio stream, it's useful for podcasts, audio books and of course music.

  4. Start tracking

    Click the Track button to subscribe to all future updates of this channel.

  5. Done!

    The status bar icon displays that the channel tracking function is active. The icon will turn red if the program finds new videos. You can also refresh channel information manually using the menu item Update now.

Youtube Auto Add To Playlist

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