What Does Seeding Mean Utorrent


I assume you mean how to do you open a port for uTorrent in the SmartAX-MT882 modem. If so, portforward.com has guides for that modem and uTorrent, Unfortunately, there are 3. If someone is seeding a file, it means that they have the whole file on their computer and they have left their torrent program running so others can download it. A peer is someone who you download from who has parts, but not all, of the file you are downloading. A leacher is someone who just downloads torrents. Now you are the owner of the file and you upload the file to share it. ' The uploading of the file is called seeding '. When you make a torrent of your file which you want to share the torrent client breaks it into pieces of same size. Then these pieces are uploaded or seeded.

What does seeding mean in sports?

What does seeding mean in WikiAnswers?

Seeding is a term that is used for creating new questions in the website.

What does seeding in uTorrent mean?

What does seeded mean in reference to torrent files?

Seeded means something that you are seeding. So like, you download one torrent, after you download it fully you'll start to seed it, hence 'seeding' it to other people that are downloading it. All P2P software uses seeding.

What is the meaning of seeding density?

Can you shutdown whilst seeding a torrent?

If you want to download without seeding, just delete the torrent after download to prevent seeding.

Is torrent seeding legal?

It depends if the file you are seeding is legal or not.

What is the duration of Seeding of a Ghost?

What are the methods of direct seeding?

direct seeding is the way of planting that using seed.

What are the harms of cloud seeding?

Cloud Seeding makes floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and other bad weather occur. Cloud Seeding can cause death when floods, thunderstorms, and all of the other bad weather that occurs from Cloud Seeding.

Is cloud seeding for hot countries?

Cloud seeding requires clouds and in hot countries such as Egypt or Africa. I doubt there are any clouds so i would say no cloud seeding is not for hot countries.

What are the dangers of cloud seeding?

There are many possible dangers of cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is dangerous because it forces unnatural changes in clouds by using chemicals that could harm the health the humans.

What is indirect seeding?

Indirect seeding is planting seeds in a starter such as a pot. Once ready, you then transplant the plant to a more permanent location, whereas direct seeding you plant the seeds in a more permanent location.

Whose time has been described as the 'seeding time of Indian Nationalism?

What is cloud seeding?

Cloud seeding can cause major weather storms. When cloud seeding releases silver iodide into the cloud it can cause humans to get diseases such as heart enlargment or amenia. These diseases could cause you to have other symptons. Cloud seeding also cost alot of money which isn't good for our economy these days.

Is seeding elligal?

Depends, if you are seeding to get games or music for free then its illegal. But if you need to seed for other reasons the its perfectly fine.

What do you call when you scatter seeds on the ground?

This is called 'Broadcast seeding'. 'Sowing' or 'seeding' are also other more generic terms.

Does the nhl all-star game have anything to do with the playoff seeding?

Not at all, The seeding is determined by how you finish in the regular season

What is artificial rain inducement?

Artificial rain inducement is know as cloud seeding. There are three methods for cloud seeding: static, dynamic and hygroscopic. Static cloud seeding is done by spreading silver iodide, or another chemical substance like it, into clouds. The moisture in the air condenses around the silver iodide molecules and then falls to the ground in the form of rain. Dynamic cloud seeding is basically a much more complex form of static cloud seeding. Dynamic cloud seeding… Read More

How would you know that utorrent is finished downloading the movie and it is ready for viewing. Should you wait for the seeding to be finished too. How would you know that is done?

under status it will say seeding when its done downloading. also you can watch the movies before its done seeding. seeding is not necessary but is recommend so that it will be faster for the next person to download.

Who is Josh waner?

Do you mean Josh Warner because he is president of Feed Company, the leader for seeding videos on the web for major brand advertisers in the U.S.

Artificial cloud seeding?

Please write your question in a COMPLETE sentence so it can be understood and answered. What do you want to know ABOUT artificial cloud seeding?

How do you write seeding in a sentence?

Seeding has several meanings, but the main ones are planting seeds, stimulating growth in something, arranging tournament positions, ranking players, and starting the development of a business. One sentence is: 'He attempted seeding the bioreactor with the bacteria and recording the results.'

Why is cloud seeding bad?

Cloud seeding can be bad because it attempts to force clouds to release their moisture. It is also not a reliable means of rain production.

What does seeding mean on utorrent

Is seeding lawful in torrents?

It depends on what file / files you're seeding. If you're seeding any illegal files (copyrighted movies, porn, paid softwares, etc.) you may fall into trouble. You may face legal problems. So seeding these sort of files isn't safe. In case you're downloading legal files or free to share files like Linux, Ubuntu like OS, free e-books, freeware, etc. then seeding them won't cause any problems and is supported by law.

What cloud seeding does to a cloud?

What rhymes with feeding?

What Does F Seeding Mean In Utorrent

Is it necessary to continue seeding after the download is complete?

Why might cloud seeding reduce the amount of hail from a storm-?

Cloud seeding could reduce the amount of hail from a stone because it enhances the melting of the hails.

What is seeding questions on WikiAnswers?

Seeding questions is asking and answering questions you already know to fill a new category. It is also called pre-answering questions.

Is seeding is good or bad?

Seeding is generally a good thing. By sowing seeds, you are able to plant flowers, and food to eat. One way that seeding can be bad, is if you seed non native plants in a public area. These new plants can become invasive, choking out the native plants.

What is direct seeding?

Direct seeding is putting the seed directly into the soil, no deeper than twice the thickness of the seed. Some plant roots are very sensertive to transplanting.

Why do you use salt in cloud seeding?

It is unknown why salt is actually used for cloud seeding. However, many feel that it is because it is economical and would harm the environment the least.

What is seeding in piratebay?

With torrents, a 'seeder' is someone who has completed downloading a file and is now uploading that file to other people (called 'peers'). When you upload to other people, you are seeding.

What is cloud seeding and is it effective?

Cloud seeding - is dropping quantities of microscopic particles into the upper atmosphere - with the intention that water molecules will 'stick' to the particles - and thus create rain.

After you download a torrent how do you stop seeding?

Right clik on the torrent that you want to stop seeding, then select clik on the stop. You will see a 'Finished' in place of 'seeding' if its completely downloaded torrent, otherwise 'Stopped'. U can also remove the torrent after completion by selecting 'remove' when u right click the torrent.

Is it more risky to seed than download?

When you mention seeding and downloading together, I am assuming you're downloading illegally. That could be a potential risk. What you do online is upto you and you are responsible for your actions. But to answer your question, there is nothing risky about seeding or downloading. The more you seed, the better it is for others downloading whatever you're seeding.

Cons of cloud seeding?

What rhymes with misleading?

Does cloud seeding harm humans?

How do you reduce cyclones?

the main way is cloud seeding. before a cyclone develops, cloud seeding can take place so the low rains itself out before it becomes a cyclone.

What are two methods for inducing crystallization?

Seeding and cooling. Seeding is where you provide a 'seed' for the crystals to form on, such as adding 1 small crystal or sometimes scratching the inside of the glass container.

How is salt used in cloud-seeding?

the use of hygroscopic materials, such as SALT. 1.what is hygroscopic materials? -it is the ability of a substances to attract and hold water molecules from the sourrounding environments.

Is grass seeding still okay if done in summer?

Grass seeding is best done in early summer. Preferably just before a heavy downfall, otherwise watering will be required.

What does seeded mean in track and field?

Turn Off Seeding Utorrent

In draws for latter rounds of running events the heat winners are put in different heats so that they avoid each other. This is called seeding.

Can I use a torrent file I downloaded while it is seeding?

Yes, seeding just means that other people are downloading it. OR You can get an invite to almost all torrent sites here: http://www.torrentauction.com

When do they perform cloud seeding in Philippines?

Cloud seeding is done in the Philippines to offset or mitigate the effects of prolonged drought on agricultural areas(water stress) and watershed (reduction in dam level)

What does seeding in utorrent means?

If you have a download 100% completed you become a seed. utorrent will keep uploading (seeding) to other users so they can also complete their download. Keep in mind: If nobody would seed you could never complete a download. So please leave utorrent open seeding as long as you can to help others.

What are the harmful effects of cloud seeding in the industrialization on the atmosphere and the measure being used to combat?

Cloud seeding uses Silver Iodide to provide nuclei for water to form droplets on. Like most chemicals, Silver Iodide can be harmful if ingested in large quantities, but this requires massive and/or continued exposure. Studies in 1977 and 1981 showed minimal residual traces after cloud seeding. Approximately 50 tons are used each year for this purpose, which is a very small amount in comparison to the total volume of the atmosphere. The effectiveness of cloud… Read More

What is a compound word of process of inducing rain?

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