Fallout 4 Gunner Overhaul

  1. Fo4 Gunners
  2. Fallout 4 Gunner Overhaul Mod

First Weapon Rebalance for Fallout 4!

For the most part, Fallout 4 did a pretty great job at balancing weapons. There were, however, some annoyances. Pipe weapons quickly became obsolete, the hunting rifle did pathetic damage in comparison to almost everything else, heavy weapons were week, institute weapons did less damage than their generic counterparts, melee uniques were underwhelming, et cetera et cetera.

This mod aims to fix that. Primarily, my goals were as follows:

Wasteland Creatures Redone. Wasteland Creatures Redone is a retexture mod for most of the lesser enemies and monsters found in Fallout 4. It is pretty large, more than 400mb, but it's great if you're bored of staring down the same old Mirelurks and Bloatflies, etc. A full list of the monsters retextured is in the link.

Firstly, to ensure every weapon was a valid and legitimate choice to use. Primarily, this meant buffing the weakest weapons, like the minigun and the pipe weapons. These simple buffs ensure that otherwise next to useless weapons could compete with their otherwise obvious upgrades.
The second goal was to sufficiently differentiate weapons within groups, so that they serve different roles. No one weapon is better than another in every aspect, and they each bring different strengths to the table. While I’m not sure how to modify ROF yet, that’ll be added to the list of changes.

The changes to weapons are as follows, and apply to both player and enemy:

The Assault Rifle and the Combat Rifle:

Assault Rifle:

Default Damage – 30
Modded Damage – 30

Default Magazine – 20
Modded Magazine – 30

Combat Rifle
Default Damage Value – 33
Modded Damage Value – 38

Default Magazine – 20
Modded Magazine – 15

Rationale: The Assault Rifle and Combat Rifle were in a bit of a weird place by default. While the Assault Rifle boasted a larger maximum magazine size, the Combat Rifle was significantly stronger with mods, and far, far easier to obtain. Accordingly, I’ve made the following changes. The limited magazine size for the Combat Rifle promotes its use as a Battle Rifle, excelling in a midrange semi-automatic role. The Assault Rifle, now with an even larger magazine by default, performs best as an automatic in the close-mid range arena. Neither one is now obviously better than the other, and they now serve more distinct roles.

The Handguns:

Default Damage – 18
Modded Damage – 24

Default Magazine – 12
Modded Magazine – 10

Pipe Pistol/Rifle/Sniper
Default Damage – 13
Modded Damage – 17

Default Magazine – 12
Modded Magazine – 20

Default Damage Value – 48
Modded Damage Value – 56

Pipe Revolver
Default Damage Value – 24
Modded Damage Value – 40

Default Magazine – 6
Modded Magazine – 8
Rationale: Here more drastic changes can be seen, and we have our first encounter with the buffed pipe weapons. The damage values for each class were increased by 5-6 points, which would, at first glance, do little to resolve the issue of one weapon (the 10mm/the .44) being materially better than another (the pipe weapons). Accordingly, we have here the biggest division between pipe weapons and conventional ballistic weaponry. Generally speaking, ballistic weapons will be characterized by higher damage values (reflected in their better/more professional make, if you want a lore justification). The jury-rigged pipe weapons by contrast will be higher capacity but lower damage alternatives to ballistic weapons. While magazine sizes eventually get ridiculously large, before you get Gun Nut 3 and 4, this will serve to provide a meaningful choice between the two. The damage increase was necessary both to preserve the .44 and the 10mm’s damage lead over the pipe weapons, while still making sure that pipe weapons can do more than scratch enemies.

The revolvers have increased damage (significantly for the pipe revolver) to accommodate for their significantly slower fire rate. While both are excellent guns by default, especially the .44, its long reload means that the pipe revolver, still plenty lethal, should suffice for most encounters. For those that absolutely require high single shot capability in a short-mid range environment beyond the reach of shotguns and too close for snipers, the .44 reigns. Pistols, speaking generally, now do exactly that – thrive in short-mid range environments that require higher damage per shot than the rifles afford, yet at distances too great for shotguns and too short for snipers pr rifles.

Long Ranged Rifles:

Hunting Rifle
Default Damage – 37
Modded Damage – 65

Pipe Bolt Action
Default Damage Value – 34
Modded Damage Value – 55

Default Magazine – 6
Modded Magazine – 10

Rationale: Mostly similar to the above, the Hunting Rifle is significantly more powerful than the Bolt Action Pipe Rifle/Pistol, but at the cost of a much smaller magazine capacity, with a default of 5 rounds per mag. The Pipe Bolt Action rifle is now credible as a high damage weapon, rather than being literally equivalent to the vanilla Combat Rifle. Generally speaking, fast-firing weapons tend to do better in Fallout 4, as it allows for more opportunities to proc legendary effects. The downside comes in the form of an inability to alpha strike enemies, making them poorly suited for stealth. By buffing the hunting rifle and the bolt action pipe rifle, playing as a long range sniper is significantly more practical. The Hunting Rifle will serve you well in dealing with high-health legendaries who you want to down in as few hits as possible, while the high magazine capacity of the Bolt Action Pipe will perform better in target rich environments, where you won’t have time to reload between shots.


Double Barrel Shotgun
Default Damage – 45
Modded Damage – 75

Combat Shotgun:
Default Damage Value – 50
Modded Damage Value – 60

Rationale: Another fairly simple rationale here. Vanilla, the Combat Shotgun is better in literally every way compared to the Double Barrel. It’s stronger, has a faster reload speed, and a significantly better clip. Accordingly, the only real option is to either nerf the Combat Shotgun, which goes against my design principles, or buff the Double Barrel. Accordingly, the Double Barrel does a shitton of damage, especially when it has legendary mods attached, but you are of course constrained by the fact you only have two shells to fire before reloading. The Combat Shotgun, on the other hand, is now more suited to room clearing, with its fast fire right and high magazine capacity, though it suffers from decreased range and damage compared to the Double Barrel.

The Submachine Gun:

Submachine Gun
Default Damage Value – 13
Modded Damage Value – 15

Rationale: Existing in a poor, lonely category all on its lonesome, the submachine gun sits in an unfortunate place. It has a huge magazine capacity, reaching 100 rounds by the end, but its damage is simply so, so bad that it takes forever to kill anything. Perhaps that’s balanced, but it’s not much fun. This small change makes the SMG slightly more effective, though it lacks a clearly defined role that is not served by the rifles. If nothing else, it’s exceptionally good against ghouls.

Energy Weapons:

Laser Pistol/Rifle/Sniper (no changes)
Default Damage – 24
Modded Damage – 24

Institute Laser Guns
Default Damage Value – 21 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 30 Energy

Alien Blaster
Default Damage Value – 50 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 60 Energy

Plasma Pistol/Rifle/Sniper/Flamer (no change)
Default Damage Value – 24 + 24 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 24 + 24 Energy

Laser Musket (Can’t Change)
Default Damage – 30 Energy
Modded Damage – can’t change

Rationale: Damage values for energy weapons are, unfortunately, obfuscated slightly, which makes balancing difficult. For now, the Institute Weapons got a much needed buff to reflect their greater technological development, balancing will occur at a later date once I figure out what on earth to do with lasers, as well as how to make lasers a plausible alternative to plasma weaponry, if only due to the greater ammo supply. The Alien Blaster got a buff because most weapons got a buff, and it hardly seems fair to leave the aliens in a comparatively poor situation.

Heavy Weapons:

Default Damage – 8
Modded Damage – 16

Gatling Laser
Default Damage Value – 14 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 20 Energy

Fo4 Gunners

Missile Launcher
Default Damage – 15
Modded Damage – 150
(explosive weapons are weird and damage values are off, this translates into around double damage)

Fat Man
Default Damage Value – 18
Modded Damage Value – 180 (see above)
(Mini Nuke Default Damage Value – 50)
(Mini Nuke Modded Damave Value – 100)

Default Damage Value – 9 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 18 Energy

Junk Jet
Default Damage Value – 40
Modded Damage Value – 60

Rationale: By far the most disappointing weapon category, heavy weapons are incredibly heavy, incredibly ammo inefficient, and worst? Aren’t even all that much good at killing your enemy. Very few things should survive a missile or a mini nuke to the face, nor should they be able to withstand literal minutes of fire from a minigun or gatling laser. The flamer is possibly the worst weapon in the game, with rare and expensive fuel, combined with a flabbergasting inability to accomplish anything shotguns cannot. All were in need of fairly heavy damage buffs, though the ammo inefficiency remains. If you really need overkill, and sometimes you really do, packing a heavy weapon is now a legitimate option.

The Junk Jet is still a pain in the ass to use, but at least now it’s a pain in the ass that does decent damage.

Fallout 4 Gunner Overhaul Mod

The Unchanged Not Previously Mentioned:

Gauss Rifle (no change)
Default Damage Value – 110
Modded Damage Value – 110

Gamma Gun (no change)
Default Radiation Exposure Value – 10
Modded Radiation Exposure Value – 10

Railway Rifle (no change)
Default Damage Value – 100
Modded Damage Value – 100

Rationale: These guns either exist because I have no idea what to do with them, or they’re actually balanced to begin with. If anyone has suggested changes, I’m happy to hear them.

Unique Guns:

Default Damage Value – 33
Modded Damage Value – 60


Default Damage Value – 25
Modded Damage Value – 42

Default Magazine Size – 8
Modded Magazine Size – 10

Fallout 4 Gunner Overhaul

Rationale: Just as the pistols were buffed, so too must be the deliverer. Now boasting an equal magazine size to the 10mm, the Deliverer’s sleek look and exceptional power do provide a straight upgrade, which is probably fairly appropriate for such a unique item. Similarly, the Broadsider literally shoots cannon balls at people and should probably do slightly more physical damage than a 7.62 NATO round.

Melee Weapons:

Power Fist:
Default Damage Value – 20
Modded Damage Value – 30

Default Damage Value – 4
Modded Damage Value – 8

Default Damage Value – 13 + 13 Energy
Modded Damage Value – 25 + 25 Energy

World Series Baseball Bat:
Default Damage Value – 22
Modded Damage Value – 40

Grognak’s Axe:
Default Damage Value – 25
Modded Damave Value – 50

Rationale: Unique weapons and the power fist were buffed significantly, so as to make them a more credible alternative to guns and firearms. While most junk melee weapons remain ineffectual in comparison, these standouts actually offer some nice advantages, when you consider the fact that they will now generally outdamage their ranged counterparts. Fair enough, considering you have to get shot a bunch to get close enough. Unique weapons will now do between 40-50 DPS depending on what their extra effects are. The power fist remains around 30 or so, considering it’s not technically unique.

Install with Nexus Mod Manager. Created with FO4Edit. Set plugins.txt to read only, even with NMM!

Must Try It

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